Jadotville Challenge Launch
PRESS RELEASE Óglaigh Náisiúnta na hÉireann (O.N.E) celebrate bravery of Jadotville Tigers 60 years on. Volunteers to cover 24,000km over 5 days to raise funds for Homeless Veterans Dublin, Ireland: Hundreds of volunteers will cycle, walk or run a combined distance of 24,000km over 5 days from 29th June to the […]
Jadotville (Virtual) Challenge
The Siege of Jadotville, with “Fifty Shades of Grey “star Jamie Dornan in the lead role, tells the story of how 157 Irish soldiers, led by Comdt. Pat Quinlan, fought a battle against a force of Katangan soldiers for five days in the Congo. The 157 Irish soldiers formed “A” Company of the […]