Amicale des Anciens de la Legion Étrangère en Irlande / The Association of Foreign Legion Veterans in Ireland held a commemoration ceremony of the Battle of Camerone 1863 on the Main Square, National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin on Saturday 13th May 2023.
The ceremony was followed by refreshments and an exhibition of Legion memorabilia in the Palatine Room on Clarke Square.

The Battle of Camerone (also Battle of Camarón) was an important action during the Second French intervention in Mexico. It occurred in late April 1863. In the eight-hour battle, a company of 65 men of the French Foreign Legion faced almost 2,000 Mexican infantrymen and cavalrymen. This action is portrayed as a pure example of bravery and determination of fighting to the finish.
More info here: http://foreignlegion.info/battle-of-camerone/

More photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=ONEIreland&set=a.6553156931370325
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Photos by Wayne Fitzgerald