Like most charities, ONE is always looking for volunteers to fundraise for our charitable aims to help and assist former members of the Defence Forces who have fallen on hard times or require homeless accommodation or additional services for their mental health.
Here are some inspirational ideas for some fundraising activities, but this list is not exhausted:

* Auction
* Bag Pack
* Book sale
* Boxing/White Collar Fight
* Brick or Brack/Jumble Sale
* Car Boot Sale
* Cake Sale
* Coffee Morning
* ‘Come Dine With Me’ Party
* Cycling
* Drama/Play
* Employer Matched Giving
* Family Day
* Fashion Show
* Golf Classic
* Head/Beard shave or dye
* Hiking/Hillwalking

* Marathon
* Parachute / Paraglide
* Pet Show
* Pyjama Party at work or School
* Run A Muck / Hell & Back
* Quiz Night
* Raffle
* Sky Dive/Tandem Jump
* Sponsored Walk/Run/Swim
* Sweepstakes
* Swap n Sale
* Treadmill Challenge
* Talent Show
* Themed party
* Wine Tasting
You can easily set up your fundraising page on our Enthuse account, where 100% of donations go to our Charitable Aims:
If you have any questions or need any support in your efforts to fundraise for ONE Veterans Charity and the veterans we assist please get in touch with our Marketing & Fundraising Officer: Wayne Fitzgerald, 083 097 3282 /
ONE’s primary objective is to support the needs of Irish veterans by the provision of accommodation to homeless and other veterans in need of such domestic accommodation in its Veterans’ Homes and the provision of other advice and support to veterans, in particular Mental Health advice, through its nationwide network of Branches and Veterans’ Support Centres. Visit our website for more info.
#DefenceForces #Veterans #Charity #Fundraising #Marketing #Veteran #MentalHealth #PTSD #NoIrishVeteranLeftBehind #Homelessness #Homeless #CoffeeMorning #Donations #FundraisersNeeded #Support #Volunteers #VolunteersNeeded #Work #College #School #MensShed