Óglaigh Náisiúnta na hÉireann defines Veterans’ Policy as a declaration of the Government’s political activities, plans and intentions relating to veterans of the Defence Forces. It may be contained in a Programme for Government, White Paper or other appropriate medium. An embryonic Veterans’ Policy was included in the White Paper on Defence 2015. There was also a commitment therein to further develop the supports available to veterans. ARCO, IUNVA and ONE made a detailed joint submission to the Minister for Defence in December 2018 which included;
- Interface between veterans and the Department and the Defence Forces.
- Transition from Military to Civilian Life.
- Accreditation of Unique Military Skills.
- Pensions and Ancillary Support.
- Medical Treatment.
- Social Housing and
- Recognition of Military Service.
A Veterans’ Policy requires a whole of government approach as many of the issues affecting veterans, such as health care and housing, do not fall within the remit of the Department of Defence.
Read our position paper by clicking on the link, below.
ONE Position Paper on Veterans’ Policy