Message from Pensions Financial Administration, Department of Defence:

I am writing to update you in relation to the implementation of the benefit of the 1/10/2023 Building Momentum increases for Defence Forces (DF) pensions.
I wish to advise that the benefit of these increases is to be implemented for the vast majority of military pensioners in the pension payroll dated 19 December 2023.
You will be aware that it had been hoped that some of these increases could be implemented in the November payroll but unfortunately this did not prove possible due to the complex work involved.
However the work is now at a very advanced stage and it is expected that the increases will be implemented in the December payroll.
Please note also that a slightly earlier than normal payment date of Tuesday 19th December 2023 will apply for the December military pension payroll.
Pensions Financial Administration
Finance Branch
An Roinn Cosanta
Department of Defence
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